Oh I missed that he’d died. What a beautiful post.

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Thank you!

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Really enjoyed this piece. So pleased you wrote about christopher. He deserves his place in history - in Madonnas history, as well as in his own right. You voice what us super fans are feeling.

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Thank you, Maria!

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I always love it when you write about Madonna, but these are truly lovely words.

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This reads like a beautiful tribute from a devoted fan. Having been a heavy consumer of MTV back in the day, there was Madonna madness and shows all over the place. Not once do I remember hearing of her brother Chris. The first time I heard of him was when his memoir came out and the media didn’t let that pass lightly on how it reflected on him. It is a real shame. From this I understand he was her shoulder to lean on and she his. May he rest in peace.

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There are a few clips around where he was interviewed in their heyday together but I suppose we weren’t surrounded by information and context back then as we are now, so unless you were a Madonna fan you wouldn’t have known him. Thanks for reading!

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The more I think of it the more I it seems media created a diversion away from him and focus on her. I have never been a Madonna fan but I read a lot about her and she was a constant on MTV and the press so quite surprised it didn’t appear anywhere about her brother and the closeness. You’re writing about a quite special bond between them. But then again, the press don’t want any of that they want the friction and the rivalry. Yes, definitely. Was a great read thank you again.

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Love this Justin! Always loved their friendship and remember being sad when he wrote the book and they fell out. I only found out about the Guy Ritchie of it all recently… 😏

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Thank you! It was almost like watching two friends fall out and feeling powerless to stop it.

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What was Guy Ritchie’s role in the relationship between Madonna and Chris?

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In his book, Christopher suggested Ritchie was homophobic.

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Ooooh… that’s interesting. Is it worth reading Christopher’s book?

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I suppose it’s an interesting perspective but it was written when he was in a bad place so nobody comes out of it particularly well.

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Do you think there’s any truth in what he says or just anger?

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I honestly don’t know. I can’t see Guy Ritchie in a Pride parade, can you?

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