I love you Justin for brightening another Wednesday with people’s pointless food wars. I eat and drink how I like and feck those who say it’s the wrong way 😄

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Okay let me settle this one...It's a plain tea-cake, Steak should always be Rib-eye or Wagyu, slightly over medium. Crisp sandwich on buttered Warburtons finest white or indeed a plain the-cake, always cheese and onion too. I'll swig champagne from the bottle, black pepper for cooking, white pepper on Branston Baked Beans and Bob may well be your uncle... Great thought provoking article BTW...

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Carbonara war, anyone?

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Apr 17Liked by Justin Myers

The only bread naming hill I will die on is that a ‘batch’ is a specific kind of roll - I.e. one in which they’re cooked all joined together *in a batch*.

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Apr 17Liked by Justin Myers

A bread roll is cob anyway 😁

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I've never had a crisp sandwich! You've given me something to think about. I loved this piece. Unpretentious real food writing! But what does it mean if you pronounce it scone bone vs scone gone?

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Apr 17Liked by Justin Myers

My sister in law went to France for the first time last year and now she's developed a preference for champagne in regular wine glasses "because that's how they do it there". It's insufferable.

On scones (skons), you should be guided by the texture of the condiments - if you have very thick clotted cream and runny jam, it's cream first, if you have looser cream and firm set jam, jam first. Of course, that's if you are going for structural integrity and not aesthetics, tribalism or being contrary because your partner insists on the other way.

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Apr 17Liked by Justin Myers

A joyous read as always. I do look forward to Wednesdays as a result.

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Apr 17Liked by Justin Myers

Ha, thank you. Agree so much - a bit like the argument about which way round a toilet roll should hang. So pointless and who cares - the important thing is having toilet roll or a scone and jam. However I do enjoy knowing there so many different words regionally for a bread roll (not competitively though). I like hearing about these kinds of words, for example the words for an alley / ginnel etc. Off to have a crisp sandwich. 😍

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