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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

Regardful tributes to him

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Beautiful tribute

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Thank you

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

A fabulous tribute to a great guy. Thank you. He will be missed

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

My introduction to the London scene in 1987 and my politicisation was quickly turbocharged by nights at the RVT, and the ascerbic Lily (and Regina Fong, another taken too soon). Thank you for writing this

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Thank you for reading!

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

There are a bunch of stupendously hilarious outtakes from Blankety Blank available on YouTube, which I'd argue are essential viewing for all fans. It's clear the show just about held together under O'Grady's wild genius. I'm sure it was a nightmare for the producers to put together, but I bet they loved it all the same.

I'm going to rewatch them all in memory of our Lil'. RIP x

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Haha yes they're brilliant. Whether as Lily or himself, he was always so quick, and had a line ready for any occasion.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

I don’t often get teary about the death of someone I really don’t know, have never interacted with, but Paul O’Grady always seemed to me to be authentically himself, all the way through. I loved that he stayed furious about the things that still made him furious, that he said what was important, that he was funny, good hearted and clearly liked people. I am really sad that the world doesn’t get to enjoy & love him a bit longer. But I’m very glad that he lived. For everyone. (And I’m very glad for your writing about him, so thank you x)

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Thank you. We were lucky to share the planet with him, brief as it was.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

What a beautiful piece and brought a tear. My coming out as an 18 year old during Thatcher’s clause 28 era was made more defiant thanks to Lily Savage. Paul will be sorely missed by all of us who grew up in his shadow.

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Thank you. The 1980s were a hellscape – I'd rather hoped we wouldn't see their like again.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

Beautiful piece, thank you. You do Paul proud

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That's v kind of you, cheers

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Thank you too. Brilliantly written and a pleasure to read.

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I'm so glad to hear it, thank you!

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

This should be his official obituary. I didn’t know him well but now I feel like I do! What a great loss for us all.

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We're all the poorer for his absence. Cheers for reading.

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I have never had the pleasure of seeing them but by all accounts - and yours is one - a wonderful person altogether.

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A proper one-off, I reckon.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

A wonderful tribute, thank you Justin

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Thank you for reading!

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What a wonderful read.

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Cheers, Conrad!

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Justin is this beautiful beautiful beautiful x

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Thank you so much Josie! x

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Justin Myers

This is beautiful writing. You at your best.

At a time when to be openly gay was to be feared by mainstream straight society Paul was unashamedly himself. Brave, funny as fuck and a thoroughly decent human being. We need more like him.

I cried yesterday, mourning someone I'd never met, because compassion and humanity reach people through a screen, or on a page.

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Thank you very much. It's quite hard to put into words just how refreshing and inspiring it was to have someone like Paul O'Grady out there giving everyone hell. I'm not overly nostalgic but it does feel like we've lost something pure and powerful from a different time.

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